

Topcoats for interior



Floorings and Furniture Topcoat


Field of application
Wood floorings and furniture.
It is a topcoat for wood floorings and furniture with great transparency and great resistance to abrasion. It is formulated with polyurethane resins, it is extremely resistant to wear, elastic, low in solvents and it does not contain substances that can create health problems to the user and to the environment. It does not yellow, thanks to its special UV filters, which also allow a good protection of the natural colour of the wood.
Instructions d’uso
New wood. Sand the raw wood with 150 grit sandpaper and remove the powder. Apply 3 coats of RPxx60 at an interval of 2-4 hours. It is not necessary to sand between the coats. To increase the performances, apply one coat of RP1060 Grain Filler and 2 coats of RPxx60 Topcoat. Coated wood. On a paint finish in good condition, sand with 240-280 grit sandpaper. Clean the surface, then proceed to paint. On a paint finish in bad condition, sand with 80-150 grit sandpaper to bring the wood back to the raw condition. Clean the surface and proceed to paint as indicated for the new wood.
Floorings and Furniture Topcoat RPxx60.
Floorings and Furniture Topcoat RPXX60
RP1160Semi-glossy transparent
RP2260Matt transparent

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